1st Class Gift Shops  

1st Class Fundraisers

1st Class Gift Shops

2072 S State Road 39

Frankfort, IN 46041
Local 765.654.8055


1st Class Fundraisers
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Featured Items
2-Pack: 12" Family VALUE PACK - $AVE $ 1-Cheese 1-4Meat!
$AVE $ on this Family Pizza VALUE 2-PACK! You'll get one 12" 4-Meat Pizza and a 12" Cheese Pizza for the kids, that's a TON of pizza & sure to satisfy everyone in your pizza loving family... WOW!
In Stock!
3-Pack: 12" Pizza VARIETY PACK - $AVE $  1-Cheese 1-4meat 1-Breakfast
$AVE $ on this Pizza Variety VALUE 3-PACK! You'll get one of each of our 12" Pizzas, a 12" 4-Meat Pizza, a 12" Cheese Pizza, & a 12" Breakfast Pizza... WOW!
In Stock!
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